Publications (1984-1992)

M. Umemura and S. Ikeuchi
Thermal and Dynamical Evolution of Intergalactic Clouds
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 72, 47-62 (1984)
S. Ikeuchi and M. Umemura
Nonlinear Growth of Density Contrast and Formation of Galaxies
in a Neutrino-Dominated Universe
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 72, 216-232 (1984)
S. Sakashita, H. Hanami, and M. Umemura
Similarity Solution for the Interaction of the Stellar Wind
with Surrounding Interstellar Medium
Astrophysics and Space Science, 98, 315-321 (1984)
S. Sakashita, H. Hanami, and M. Umemura
Formation of Bipolar Flow by the Stellar Wind embedded in Molecular Disk
Astrophysics and Space Science, 111, 213-223 (1985)
M. Umemura and S. Ikeuchi
Formation of Subgalactic Objects within Two-Component Dark Matter
Astrophysical Journal, 299, 583-592 (1985)
M. Umemura and S. Ikeuchi
Formation of a Void and Galaxies in a Neutrino-Dominated Universe
Astrophysics and Space Science, 119, 243-245 (1986)
M. Umemura and S. Ikeuchi
Equilibria and Instabilities of Polytropes within Homogeneous Background Matter
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 165, 1-9 (1986)
M. Umemura and S. Ikeuchi
Formation of Stellar Shells and X-Ray Coronae around Elliptical Galaxies
Astrophysical Journal, 319, 601-613 (1987)
M. Umemura
Dark Matter and Galaxy Formation
Proc. of the Japan-France Seminar,
Chemical Evolution of Galaxies with Active Star Formation, 193 (1987)
M. Umemura
Galaxy Formation and Large-Scale Structures in a Two-component
Dark Matter Scenario
IAU Symposium No. 130,
Evolution of Large-Scale Structures in the Universe, 427-428 (1987)
M. Fukugita and M. Umemura
Upper Limit on the Baryon Density from the Cosmic Background
Radiation Anisotropies in the Cold Dark Matter Dominated Universe
Astrophysical Journal (Letters), 339, L1-L4 (1989)
M. Umemura
The Fragmentation of Pancakes and Galaxy Formation
The Yamada Conference XX,
Big Bang, Active Galactic Nuclei and Supernovae, 183-184 (1989)
M. Umemura
Cosmological Hydrodynamics
Status Reports of Supercomputing Astrophysics in Japan,
eds. T. Nakamura & M. Nagasawa,
KEK (Tsukuba) 1 (1989)
M. Fukugita, N. Sugiyama, and M. Umemura
Constraints on Cold Dark Matter Dominated Universe from Cosmic Background
Radiation Anisotropies
Astrophysical Journal, 358, 28-35 (1990)
D. Sugimoto, Y. Chikada, J. Makino, T. Ito, T. Ebisuzaki,
and M. Umemura
A Special-Purpose Computer for Gravitational Many-Body Problems
Nature, 345, 33-35 (1990)
M. Umemura and S. Yoshioka
Hydrodynamical Interaction of Galaxies
IUPAP Conference,
Primordial Nucleosysnthesis and Evolution of Early Universe,
565-566 (1990)
M. Umemura and S. Yoshioka
The Evolution of Universe pursued by Supercomputing (Book)
Kousei-sha Kousei-kaku (1991)
M. Funakoshi, J. Fukue, R. Okada, M. Umemura, and T. Yokoo
The Large-Scale Structure of the Universe: Percolation Analysis
of the Distribution of Galaxies
Memoirs of Osaka Kyoiku University, 40, 47 (1991)
T. Fukushige, T. Ito, J. Makino, T. Ebisuzaki, and M. Umemura
GRAPE-1A: Special-Purpose Computer for $N$-body Simulation
with Tree Code
Pub. Astr. Soc. Japan, 43, 841-853 (1991)
C. Okamoto, J. Fukue, K. Sanbuichi, T. Yokoo, and M. Umemura
The Large-Scale Structure of the Universe II: Redshift Distributions of Quasars
Memoirs of Osaka Kyoiku University, 40, 9 (1992)
M. Umemura
3D Calculations of Galaxy Formation in a Two-Component Dark Matter Universe
The 6th Marcel-Grossman Meeting on General Relativity, 961-963 (1992)
M. Umemura
Dissipative Merging of Galaxies
NASA Conference Publication 3190,
The Evolution of Galaxies and Their Environment, 247 (1992)