PACS-CS Project 2005-2007

Parallel Array Computer System for Computational Sciences

The PACS-CS Project aims to advance frontiers of computational sciences through development of a massively parallel cluster PACS-CS (Parallel Array Computer System for Computational Sciences) and its concentrated usage on the problems that require large-scale simulations. One of the emphases of the Project is placed on the development of first-principles quantum simulations in materials and life sciences capable to treat O(10,000) atoms, thereby allowing an exploration of the connection between the spatial structure and function characteristic of nano materials such as carbon nano-tubes and large bio molecules such as proteins. Another emphasis is advancement of full QCD simulations in particle physics and astrophysics research which forms the core of our fundamental understanding of the creation and history of our Universe.

Project Outline

Overview of PACS-CS computer

Press Release (in Japanese)


History of PACS/PAX Computers

PACS-CS Internal Information (Internal Use Only)