Tsukuba Uchu Forum

146th Uchu Forum

Formation of intermediate-mass black hole in forming star clusters


Michiko Fujii

The University of Tokyo

The existence of intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs) in globular clusters has been debated. One possible way to form IMBHs in globular clusters is by repeating the merger of BHs in star clusters. However, gravitational-wave recoils kick the IMBHs out from the host globular clusters before they reach 500 Msun. Another...

145th Uchu Forum

Volume density structure of the NGC 253 CMZ through ALCHEMI excitation analysis: what is the critical difference between NGC253 and Milky Way?


Kunihiko Tanaka

Keio University

NGC 253 is an archetypal starburst galaxy in the nearby universe, whose relative proximity (D ~ 3.5 Mpc) makes it an ideal target for studying the physical and chemical environments conducive to highly active star formation (SF). In particular, its similarity to the Milky Way (MW), traditionally understood as a quiescent...

144th Uchu Forum



Masafusa Onoue

Kavli IPMU

We present the latest observations of the early growth of active supermassive black holes (=quasars) in the early Universe, less than a billion years after the Big Bang, mainly using the Subaru Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The search for distant quasars has been active since the...

143rd Uchu Forum



Hidetaka Kuniyoshi

University of Tokyo

The outermost atmosphere of the Sun (the corona) reaches temperatures hundreds of times hotter than its surface (the photosphere), exceeding 1 million degrees. This issue of solar corona heating has been an unresolved problem since the 1930s and is a main target of the SOLAR-C mission. Furthermore, the solar corona...

142nd Uchu Forum

ALMA and JWST exploration of high-redshift galaxies (and stars)


Yoshinobu Fudamoto

Chiba University

Extragalactic astronomy is currently in an exciting period. Observing high-redshift galaxies allows us to directly see galaxies in the distant past, dating back to when the Universe was only nearly a few hundred million years old. This remarkable feature has led astronomers to dedicate significant efforts toward finding and studying...

141st Uchu Forum

Cloud-scale molecular gas properties of nearby spiral and starburst galaxies with ALMA


Toshiki Saito

National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

(Ultra)luminous infrared galaxies (= (U)LIRGs) at z=0 form stars 10-100 times more efficiently than z=0 main sequence (MS) galaxies, which is explained by nearby (U)LIRGs being gas-rich merging galaxies. Numerical simulations and sub-kpc observations clearly show that tidal interaction between gas-rich progenitors is condensing gas and triggering subsequent starburst activity...

140th Uchu Forum



Atsushi Tanimoto

Kagoshima University

 Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) is a phenomenon in which the accretion of mass onto a supermassive black hole (SMBH) converts its gravitational energy into radiant energy, causing the center of the galaxy to glow with a solar intensity of about $10^{9}$. AGNs emit gamma rays from radio waves, which have...

139th Uchu Forum



Kohei Hayashi

NIT, Sendai College

Most of the matter in the universe is dominated by dark matter. However, its nature remains a mystery and is one of the biggest problems in modern physics. Various approaches have been taken in a wide range of fields from particle physics to astronomy to elucidate the nature of this...

138th Uchu Forum



Ken Mawatari

University of Tsukuba

In discussing the formation and evolution of galaxies, it is essential to know how the material circulation (inflow and outflow of gas) to and from intergalactic space occurs. Observing absorption lines in the spectra of distant sources as background sources is a classical method to study the intergalactic material (IGM),...

137th Uchu Forum



Shingo Hirano

The University of Tokyo

First stars or Population III stars are the first generation of stars born in primordial gas clouds in the early universe, and are considered to have formed and evolved differently from later generations of stars (Population II/I stars) whose gas clouds contain heavy elements. Recently, with the advent of the...

136th Uchu Forum

X-ray polarisation observations: A new means of exploring the high-energy universe


Toru Tamagawa


X-rays are emitted from many astrophysical objects, including black holes, neutron stars, galaxies, and galaxy clusters. The Imaging X-ray Polarimeter Explorer (IXPE) satellite was launched by NASA in December 2021 to observe polarization with high sensitivity, which is the only field of X-ray astrophysics that has not yet been tackled....

135th Uchu Forum

New insights into active galactic nuclei using high-resolution submillimetre-wave observations


Takuma Izumi


Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) shine brightly due to the gravitational energy released by mass accretion onto a supermassive black hole (SMBH). AGN are smoking guns of black hole growth. Recently, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), the world's most powerful submillimeter interferometer, has made it possible to study various properties...

134th Uchu Forum

Supernova explosions and the isotope $^{56}$N


Ryo Sawada

University of Tokyo

A gravitational collapse supernova is an explosion of a massive star at the end of its evolution. The explosion mechanism of supernovae is an unsolved problem in astrophysics. Large-scale numerical simulation studies of supernovae overcame the "failure to reproduce the explosion" problem in the 2000s and the "failure to reproduce...

133rd Uchu Forum

Accretion disk jet structure in the environs of a supermassive black hole explored by polarized light imaging


Yuh Tsunetoe

University of Tsukuba

The realization of direct imaging of supermassive black holes has opened a new horizon for understanding the mysterious driving mechanism of active galactic nuclear jets. We have taken this opportunity to investigate the structure of accretion disks and jets in the vicinity of black holes through the prediction of polarization...

132nd Uchu Forum

Star Formation Activity in Barred Spiral Galaxies Probed by Molecular Gas Observations


Fumiya Maeda

Institute of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo

Star formation activity in disk galaxies is known to depend on the structure of the galaxy (e.g., center, arms, bars, etc.). The dependence is particularly pronounced in barred spiral galaxies, where active star formation is observed in the arms, while star formation is weak (low star formation rate) in the...

131st Uchu Forum

Formation and evolution of star-forming filaments in molecular clouds


Daisei Abe

Nagoya University

Stars form in high-density regions in molecular clouds, which are known to be filamentary. The formation and evolution of filaments are important because they determine the initial conditions for star formation. In this presentation, I will report our results on simulations of filament formation and evolution. It is known that...

130th Uchu Forum

The CMB Polarization Observation Experiment GroundBIRD


Shunsuke Honda

University of Tsukuba

The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB), the afterglow of the Big Bang that has expanded with the evolution of the universe, contains 13.8 billion years of history. Currently, studies on the detailed observation of the CMB polarization fluctuation patterns are attracting a great deal of attention. Many research groups are...

129th Uchu Forum

Cosmic Ray Particle Acceleration by the Jet of Microquasar SS433 Probed through Radio Observations


Haruka Sakemi

Kagoshima University

Since its discovery in the 1970s, the microquasar SS433 has attracted much attention as one of the most active jet objects in our Galaxy and has been the subject of numerous studies. However, there are still many unresolved questions, such as the identity of the main star and companion star...

128th Uchu Forum

The Age of Discovery with JWST: Excavating the First Massive Black Holes and First Galaxies


Kohei Inayoshi

Peking University

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is opening a new window of the most distant universe and will unveil the early growth of supermassive black holes (BHs) in the first galaxies. The existence of supermassive massive BHs observed when the universe was younger than one billion years strongly constrains their...

127th Uchu Forum

Probing the impact of feedback by cosmological hydrodynamic simulations


Kentaro Nagamine

Osaka University

Observations of the cosmic background radiation have established the $\Lambda$ cold dark matter (CDM) model as the standard cosmological model, and on large scales the $\Lambda$CDM model has been very successful, providing the backbone of the cosmic large-scale structure. However, on small scales below 1 Mpc, there are still many...

126th Uchu Forum

The Milky Way's central supermassive black hole observed by the Event Horizon Telescope: results and future prospects


Kotaro Moriyama

Goethe University Frankfurt

On May 12, 2022, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration released the world's first images of the close vicinity (several gravitational radii scale) of Sgr A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. The EHT is an international collaborative research project that links telescopes from...

125th Uchu Forum

ALMA/NOEMA view of galaxy-scale molecular outflows


Dragan Salak

Hokkaido University

Kiloparsec-scale outflows of gas and dust are thought to be an important mechanism in regulating star formation in galaxies and increasing the metallicity of circumgalactic and intergalactic media. In the past two decades, outflows have been discovered in numerous galaxies with vigorous star formation (starburst) and active galactic nuclei (AGN)...

124th Uchu Forum

UV & Ly-alpha halos of LAEs across environments at z=2.84


Satoshi Kikuta

University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences

Diffuse Lyα emission around galaxies, or Lyα halo (LAH), is a valuable probe of their circumgalactic medium which regulate galaxy evolution. We present UV & Lyα radial surface brightness (SB) profiles of Lyα emitters (LAEs) at z = 2.84 detected with the HSC on the Subaru Telescope. UV and Lyα...

123rd Uchu Forum

A multifaceted study of the remnants of first stars


Takanobu Kirihara

University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences

The first stars play a particularly important role in the history of the universe because they are the first luminous objects in our universe and the first to produce heavy elements. However, no direct observational traces of them have yet been obtained. Now, the operation of a new generation of...

122nd Uchu Forum

Molecular cloud collisions and machine learning


Shinji Fujita

Osaka Prefecture University

Massive stars are very important for the physical and chemical evolution of the interstellar medium and the galaxy as a whole. The key to their formation is the accretion of mass onto their parent molecular cloud cores. In recent years, the rapid compression caused by supersonic collisions between molecular clouds...

121st Uchu Forum

On the Tidal Formation of Dark Matter Deficient Galaxies


Go Ogiya

University of Waterloo

Recently, observations reported that the ultra diffuse galaxy NGC1052-DF2 (DF2), believed to be a member of the NGC1052 group, is dark matter (DM) deficient. Its inferred DM mass is smaller, by a factor of a few hundred, than what is expected based on its stellar mass and empirical models for...

120th Uchu Forum

Structure of the magnetic field driving active galactic nuclear jets probed by polarized light images


Yu Tsuneto

Kyoto University

With the success of the Event Horizon Telescope in directly imaging a supermassive black hole, the study of black holes has entered a new era in which the properties of black holes are explored through imaging observations. In particular, the polarized images reveal the magnetic field structure near the black...

119th Uchu Forum

Identifying galactic structures in a galaxy more than 12 billion years ago using the gas dynamics


Takafumi Tsukui


Spiral galaxies observed today (redshift z=0) have distinct internal structures: supper massive black hole (SMBH), dense stellar cluster known as bulge; a flat rotating disk; and extended dark matter halo. The cosmic averaged star formation is suggested to peak at z~2. It remains unclear when and how these structures formed...

118th Uchu Forum

A theoretical framework for cosmological analysis of 21-cm line observations


Rika Ando

Nagoya University

Observations confirm that the universe is accelerating and expanding. Dark energy and modified gravity theories have been proposed but a conclusive theory remains elusive. The difference between these theoretical models is reflected in the magnitude of density fluctuations and the temporal evolution of large-scale structure. Therefore, it is possible to...

117th Uchu Forum

The Diversity of IGM-galaxy connection among galaxies at redshift z = 2-3


Rieko Momose

University of Tokyo

The link between the intergalactic medium (IGM) and galaxies is key to understand the evolution of baryonic matter and galaxies. In fact, several observational studies have confirmed the connection between the IGM HI and galaxies up to several tens comoving Mpc. However, understanding the variations on the IGM-galaxy connection over...

116th Uchu Forum

Hybernating black holes: galaxy collisions and black hole activity


Masao Mori

University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences

Supermassive black holes in the universe that exceed one million times the mass of the sun are ubiquitous in the universe. A small proportion of supermassive black holes shine brightly and show intense activity, using accreted matter as an energy source, but most black holes hybernate quietly in the center...

115th Uchu Forum

Supermassive black hole seed formation in the early universe


Yuya Sakurai


Recent three-dimensional cosmological simulations of protogalaxy formation have suggested that supermassive stars (SMSs) can form in warm gas clouds in which H2–cooling is overwhelmed by dynamical heating (Wise et al. 2019), but they stopped short of following the growth of a central protostar. Here we we examine whether accretion on...

146th Uchu Forum


Formation of intermediate-mass black hole in forming star clusters

Michiko Fujii

The University of Tokyo

The existence of intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs) in globular clusters has been debated. One possible way to form IMBHs in globular clusters is by repeating the merger of BHs in star clusters. However, gravitational-wave recoils kick the IMBHs out from the host globular clusters before they reach 500 Msun. Another...

July 2024   15 : 30     black holes, massive stars, and star formation
145th Uchu Forum


Volume density structure of the NGC 253 CMZ through ALCHEMI excitation analysis: what is the critical difference between NGC253 and Milky Way?

Kunihiko Tanaka

Keio University

NGC 253 is an archetypal starburst galaxy in the nearby universe, whose relative proximity (D ~ 3.5 Mpc) makes it an ideal target for studying the physical and chemical environments conducive to highly active star formation (SF). In particular, its similarity to the Milky Way (MW), traditionally understood as a quiescent...

June 2024   15 : 30     ALMA, starbursts, and Galactic center
144th Uchu Forum



Masafusa Onoue

Kavli IPMU

We present the latest observations of the early growth of active supermassive black holes (=quasars) in the early Universe, less than a billion years after the Big Bang, mainly using the Subaru Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The search for distant quasars has been active since the...

May 2024   15 : 30     SMBH, James Webb telescope, and early universe
143rd Uchu Forum



Hidetaka Kuniyoshi

University of Tokyo

The outermost atmosphere of the Sun (the corona) reaches temperatures hundreds of times hotter than its surface (the photosphere), exceeding 1 million degrees. This issue of solar corona heating has been an unresolved problem since the 1930s and is a main target of the SOLAR-C mission. Furthermore, the solar corona...

April 2024   15 : 30     Solar Corona, MHD, and SOLAR-C
142nd Uchu Forum


ALMA and JWST exploration of high-redshift galaxies (and stars)

Yoshinobu Fudamoto

Chiba University

Extragalactic astronomy is currently in an exciting period. Observing high-redshift galaxies allows us to directly see galaxies in the distant past, dating back to when the Universe was only nearly a few hundred million years old. This remarkable feature has led astronomers to dedicate significant efforts toward finding and studying...

March 2024   15 : 30     ALMA, James Webb telescope, and high-z galaxies
141st Uchu Forum


Cloud-scale molecular gas properties of nearby spiral and starburst galaxies with ALMA

Toshiki Saito

National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

(Ultra)luminous infrared galaxies (= (U)LIRGs) at z=0 form stars 10-100 times more efficiently than z=0 main sequence (MS) galaxies, which is explained by nearby (U)LIRGs being gas-rich merging galaxies. Numerical simulations and sub-kpc observations clearly show that tidal interaction between gas-rich progenitors is condensing gas and triggering subsequent starburst activity...

January 2024   14 : 30     galaxy evolution, molecular clouds, and AGN feedback
140th Uchu Forum



Atsushi Tanimoto

Kagoshima University

 Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) is a phenomenon in which the accretion of mass onto a supermassive black hole (SMBH) converts its gravitational energy into radiant energy, causing the center of the galaxy to glow with a solar intensity of about $10^{9}$. AGNs emit gamma rays from radio waves, which have...

December 2023   16 : 30     AGN, seyfert galaxies, and X-rays
139th Uchu Forum



Kohei Hayashi

NIT, Sendai College

Most of the matter in the universe is dominated by dark matter. However, its nature remains a mystery and is one of the biggest problems in modern physics. Various approaches have been taken in a wide range of fields from particle physics to astronomy to elucidate the nature of this...

November 2023   15 : 30     dark matter, dwarf galaxies, and Subaru
138th Uchu Forum



Ken Mawatari

University of Tsukuba

In discussing the formation and evolution of galaxies, it is essential to know how the material circulation (inflow and outflow of gas) to and from intergalactic space occurs. Observing absorption lines in the spectra of distant sources as background sources is a classical method to study the intergalactic material (IGM),...

October 2023   15 : 30     IGM, protocluster, and absorption system
137th Uchu Forum



Shingo Hirano

The University of Tokyo

First stars or Population III stars are the first generation of stars born in primordial gas clouds in the early universe, and are considered to have formed and evolved differently from later generations of stars (Population II/I stars) whose gas clouds contain heavy elements. Recently, with the advent of the...

September 2023   15 : 30     first stars, early universe, and star formation
136th Uchu Forum


X-ray polarisation observations: A new means of exploring the high-energy universe

Toru Tamagawa


X-rays are emitted from many astrophysical objects, including black holes, neutron stars, galaxies, and galaxy clusters. The Imaging X-ray Polarimeter Explorer (IXPE) satellite was launched by NASA in December 2021 to observe polarization with high sensitivity, which is the only field of X-ray astrophysics that has not yet been tackled....

July 2023   15 : 30     AGN, ALMA, and SMBH
135th Uchu Forum


New insights into active galactic nuclei using high-resolution submillimetre-wave observations

Takuma Izumi


Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) shine brightly due to the gravitational energy released by mass accretion onto a supermassive black hole (SMBH). AGN are smoking guns of black hole growth. Recently, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), the world's most powerful submillimeter interferometer, has made it possible to study various properties...

June 2023   15 : 30     AGN, ALMA, and SMBH
134th Uchu Forum


Supernova explosions and the isotope $^{56}$N

Ryo Sawada

University of Tokyo

A gravitational collapse supernova is an explosion of a massive star at the end of its evolution. The explosion mechanism of supernovae is an unsolved problem in astrophysics. Large-scale numerical simulation studies of supernovae overcame the "failure to reproduce the explosion" problem in the 2000s and the "failure to reproduce...

May 2023   15 : 30     supernovae
133rd Uchu Forum


Accretion disk jet structure in the environs of a supermassive black hole explored by polarized light imaging

Yuh Tsunetoe

University of Tsukuba

The realization of direct imaging of supermassive black holes has opened a new horizon for understanding the mysterious driving mechanism of active galactic nuclear jets. We have taken this opportunity to investigate the structure of accretion disks and jets in the vicinity of black holes through the prediction of polarization...

April 2023   15 : 30     AGN jets, polarization, and radiative transfer
132nd Uchu Forum


Star Formation Activity in Barred Spiral Galaxies Probed by Molecular Gas Observations

Fumiya Maeda

Institute of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo

Star formation activity in disk galaxies is known to depend on the structure of the galaxy (e.g., center, arms, bars, etc.). The dependence is particularly pronounced in barred spiral galaxies, where active star formation is observed in the arms, while star formation is weak (low star formation rate) in the...

February 2023   15 : 30     molecular clouds, star formation, and galaxy evolution
131st Uchu Forum


Formation and evolution of star-forming filaments in molecular clouds

Daisei Abe

Nagoya University

Stars form in high-density regions in molecular clouds, which are known to be filamentary. The formation and evolution of filaments are important because they determine the initial conditions for star formation. In this presentation, I will report our results on simulations of filament formation and evolution. It is known that...

January 2023   15 : 30     star formation, molecular clouds, and MHD
130th Uchu Forum


The CMB Polarization Observation Experiment GroundBIRD

Shunsuke Honda

University of Tsukuba

The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB), the afterglow of the Big Bang that has expanded with the evolution of the universe, contains 13.8 billion years of history. Currently, studies on the detailed observation of the CMB polarization fluctuation patterns are attracting a great deal of attention. Many research groups are...

December 2022   15 : 00     CMB, cosmology, and B-mode polarization
129th Uchu Forum


Cosmic Ray Particle Acceleration by the Jet of Microquasar SS433 Probed through Radio Observations

Haruka Sakemi

Kagoshima University

Since its discovery in the 1970s, the microquasar SS433 has attracted much attention as one of the most active jet objects in our Galaxy and has been the subject of numerous studies. However, there are still many unresolved questions, such as the identity of the main star and companion star...

November 2022   15 : 30     cosmic rays and observations
128th Uchu Forum


The Age of Discovery with JWST: Excavating the First Massive Black Holes and First Galaxies

Kohei Inayoshi

Peking University

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is opening a new window of the most distant universe and will unveil the early growth of supermassive black holes (BHs) in the first galaxies. The existence of supermassive massive BHs observed when the universe was younger than one billion years strongly constrains their...

October 2022   15 : 30     early universe, SMBH, and radiation hydrodynamics
127th Uchu Forum


Probing the impact of feedback by cosmological hydrodynamic simulations

Kentaro Nagamine

Osaka University

Observations of the cosmic background radiation have established the $\Lambda$ cold dark matter (CDM) model as the standard cosmological model, and on large scales the $\Lambda$CDM model has been very successful, providing the backbone of the cosmic large-scale structure. However, on small scales below 1 Mpc, there are still many...

September 2022   15 : 00     cosmological simulations, CGM, and IGM
126th Uchu Forum


The Milky Way's central supermassive black hole observed by the Event Horizon Telescope: results and future prospects

Kotaro Moriyama

Goethe University Frankfurt

On May 12, 2022, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration released the world's first images of the close vicinity (several gravitational radii scale) of Sgr A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. The EHT is an international collaborative research project that links telescopes from...

July 2022   15 : 30     SgrA*, black holes, and general relativity
125th Uchu Forum


ALMA/NOEMA view of galaxy-scale molecular outflows

Dragan Salak

Hokkaido University

Kiloparsec-scale outflows of gas and dust are thought to be an important mechanism in regulating star formation in galaxies and increasing the metallicity of circumgalactic and intergalactic media. In the past two decades, outflows have been discovered in numerous galaxies with vigorous star formation (starburst) and active galactic nuclei (AGN)...

June 2022   15 : 30     ALMA, starbursts, and AGN feedback
124th Uchu Forum


UV & Ly-alpha halos of LAEs across environments at z=2.84

Satoshi Kikuta

University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences

Diffuse Lyα emission around galaxies, or Lyα halo (LAH), is a valuable probe of their circumgalactic medium which regulate galaxy evolution. We present UV & Lyα radial surface brightness (SB) profiles of Lyα emitters (LAEs) at z = 2.84 detected with the HSC on the Subaru Telescope. UV and Lyα...

May 2022   15 : 30     early universe and high-z galaxies
123rd Uchu Forum


A multifaceted study of the remnants of first stars

Takanobu Kirihara

University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences

The first stars play a particularly important role in the history of the universe because they are the first luminous objects in our universe and the first to produce heavy elements. However, no direct observational traces of them have yet been obtained. Now, the operation of a new generation of...

April 2022   15 : 30     first stars, gravitational waves, and first galaxies
122nd Uchu Forum


Molecular cloud collisions and machine learning

Shinji Fujita

Osaka Prefecture University

Massive stars are very important for the physical and chemical evolution of the interstellar medium and the galaxy as a whole. The key to their formation is the accretion of mass onto their parent molecular cloud cores. In recent years, the rapid compression caused by supersonic collisions between molecular clouds...

December 2021   13 : 30     molecular clouds, Milky Way, star formation, and machine learning
121st Uchu Forum


On the Tidal Formation of Dark Matter Deficient Galaxies

Go Ogiya

University of Waterloo

Recently, observations reported that the ultra diffuse galaxy NGC1052-DF2 (DF2), believed to be a member of the NGC1052 group, is dark matter (DM) deficient. Its inferred DM mass is smaller, by a factor of a few hundred, than what is expected based on its stellar mass and empirical models for...

November 2021   12 : 30     dark matter, galaxy formation, N-body simulations, and globular clusters
120th Uchu Forum


Structure of the magnetic field driving active galactic nuclear jets probed by polarized light images

Yu Tsuneto

Kyoto University

With the success of the Event Horizon Telescope in directly imaging a supermassive black hole, the study of black holes has entered a new era in which the properties of black holes are explored through imaging observations. In particular, the polarized images reveal the magnetic field structure near the black...

October 2021   13 : 30     black holes, AGN jets, Sgr*, radiative transfer, and general relativity
119th Uchu Forum


Identifying galactic structures in a galaxy more than 12 billion years ago using the gas dynamics

Takafumi Tsukui


Spiral galaxies observed today (redshift z=0) have distinct internal structures: supper massive black hole (SMBH), dense stellar cluster known as bulge; a flat rotating disk; and extended dark matter halo. The cosmic averaged star formation is suggested to peak at z~2. It remains unclear when and how these structures formed...

September 2021   13 : 30     galaxy fromation, galactic disk, ALMA, and galactic halos
118th Uchu Forum


A theoretical framework for cosmological analysis of 21-cm line observations

Rika Ando

Nagoya University

Observations confirm that the universe is accelerating and expanding. Dark energy and modified gravity theories have been proposed but a conclusive theory remains elusive. The difference between these theoretical models is reflected in the magnitude of density fluctuations and the temporal evolution of large-scale structure. Therefore, it is possible to...

July 2021   13 : 30     large scale structure, 21cm line, and N-body simulations
117th Uchu Forum


The Diversity of IGM-galaxy connection among galaxies at redshift z = 2-3

Rieko Momose

University of Tokyo

The link between the intergalactic medium (IGM) and galaxies is key to understand the evolution of baryonic matter and galaxies. In fact, several observational studies have confirmed the connection between the IGM HI and galaxies up to several tens comoving Mpc. However, understanding the variations on the IGM-galaxy connection over...

June 2021   13 : 30     high-z galaxies, IGM, Lyman Alpha Forest, galaxy formation, and galaxy evolution
116th Uchu Forum


Hybernating black holes: galaxy collisions and black hole activity

Masao Mori

University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences

Supermassive black holes in the universe that exceed one million times the mass of the sun are ubiquitous in the universe. A small proportion of supermassive black holes shine brightly and show intense activity, using accreted matter as an energy source, but most black holes hybernate quietly in the center...

May 2021   13 : 30     hydrodynamics, dusty torus, black holes, AGN, and galaxy mergers
115th Uchu Forum


Supermassive black hole seed formation in the early universe

Yuya Sakurai


Recent three-dimensional cosmological simulations of protogalaxy formation have suggested that supermassive stars (SMSs) can form in warm gas clouds in which H2–cooling is overwhelmed by dynamical heating (Wise et al. 2019), but they stopped short of following the growth of a central protostar. Here we we examine whether accretion on...

April 2021   13 : 30     first stars, large scale structure, and machine learning

146th Uchu Forum Formation of intermediate-mass black hole in forming star clusters

Michiko Fujii (The University of Tokyo)
July 2024   15 : 30     black holes, massive stars, and star formation

145th Uchu Forum Volume density structure of the NGC 253 CMZ through ALCHEMI excitation analysis: what is the critical difference between NGC253 and Milky Way?

Kunihiko Tanaka (Keio University)
June 2024   15 : 30     ALMA, starbursts, and Galactic center

144th Uchu Forum すばる広視野サーベイとJWSTで見えてきた遠方超巨大ブラックホールの初期成長

Masafusa Onoue (Kavli IPMU)
May 2024   15 : 30     SMBH, James Webb telescope, and early universe

143rd Uchu Forum 磁気トルネード現象に注目した,太陽コロナ加熱のためのエネルギー発生・輸送・散逸の数値的研究

Hidetaka Kuniyoshi (University of Tokyo)
April 2024   15 : 30     Solar Corona, MHD, and SOLAR-C

142nd Uchu Forum ALMA and JWST exploration of high-redshift galaxies (and stars)

Yoshinobu Fudamoto (Chiba University)
March 2024   15 : 30     ALMA, James Webb telescope, and high-z galaxies

141st Uchu Forum Cloud-scale molecular gas properties of nearby spiral and starburst galaxies with ALMA

Toshiki Saito (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
January 2024   14 : 30     galaxy evolution, molecular clouds, and AGN feedback

140th Uchu Forum X線偏光観測による活動銀河核の構造

Atsushi Tanimoto (Kagoshima University)
December 2023   16 : 30     AGN, seyfert galaxies, and X-rays

139th Uchu Forum ダークマターは何者か?:暗黒物質の解明に向けた近傍宇宙論研究の現状と将来展望

Kohei Hayashi (NIT, Sendai College)
November 2023   15 : 30     dark matter, dwarf galaxies, and Subaru

138th Uchu Forum スペクトル吸収線から探る原始銀河団ガス

Ken Mawatari (University of Tsukuba)
October 2023   15 : 30     IGM, protocluster, and absorption system

137th Uchu Forum シミュレーション・サーベイで探る,初代星形成の統一シナリオ

Shingo Hirano (The University of Tokyo)
September 2023   15 : 30     first stars, early universe, and star formation

136th Uchu Forum X-ray polarisation observations: A new means of exploring the high-energy universe

Toru Tamagawa (RIKEN)
July 2023   15 : 30     AGN, ALMA, and SMBH

135th Uchu Forum New insights into active galactic nuclei using high-resolution submillimetre-wave observations

Takuma Izumi (NAOJ)
June 2023   15 : 30     AGN, ALMA, and SMBH

134th Uchu Forum Supernova explosions and the isotope $^{56}$N

Ryo Sawada (University of Tokyo)
May 2023   15 : 30     supernovae

133rd Uchu Forum Accretion disk jet structure in the environs of a supermassive black hole explored by polarized light imaging

Yuh Tsunetoe (University of Tsukuba)
April 2023   15 : 30     AGN jets, polarization, and radiative transfer

132nd Uchu Forum Star Formation Activity in Barred Spiral Galaxies Probed by Molecular Gas Observations

Fumiya Maeda (Institute of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo)
February 2023   15 : 30     molecular clouds, star formation, and galaxy evolution

131st Uchu Forum Formation and evolution of star-forming filaments in molecular clouds

Daisei Abe (Nagoya University)
January 2023   15 : 30     star formation, molecular clouds, and MHD

130th Uchu Forum The CMB Polarization Observation Experiment GroundBIRD

Shunsuke Honda (University of Tsukuba)
December 2022   15 : 00     CMB, cosmology, and B-mode polarization

129th Uchu Forum Cosmic Ray Particle Acceleration by the Jet of Microquasar SS433 Probed through Radio Observations

Haruka Sakemi (Kagoshima University)
November 2022   15 : 30     cosmic rays and observations

128th Uchu Forum The Age of Discovery with JWST: Excavating the First Massive Black Holes and First Galaxies

Kohei Inayoshi (Peking University)
October 2022   15 : 30     early universe, SMBH, and radiation hydrodynamics

127th Uchu Forum Probing the impact of feedback by cosmological hydrodynamic simulations

Kentaro Nagamine (Osaka University)
September 2022   15 : 00     cosmological simulations, CGM, and IGM

126th Uchu Forum The Milky Way's central supermassive black hole observed by the Event Horizon Telescope: results and future prospects

Kotaro Moriyama (Goethe University Frankfurt)
July 2022   15 : 30     SgrA*, black holes, and general relativity

125th Uchu Forum ALMA/NOEMA view of galaxy-scale molecular outflows

Dragan Salak (Hokkaido University)
June 2022   15 : 30     ALMA, starbursts, and AGN feedback

124th Uchu Forum UV & Ly-alpha halos of LAEs across environments at z=2.84

Satoshi Kikuta (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)
May 2022   15 : 30     early universe and high-z galaxies

123rd Uchu Forum A multifaceted study of the remnants of first stars

Takanobu Kirihara (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)
April 2022   15 : 30     first stars, gravitational waves, and first galaxies

122nd Uchu Forum Molecular cloud collisions and machine learning

Shinji Fujita (Osaka Prefecture University)
December 2021   13 : 30     molecular clouds, Milky Way, star formation, and machine learning

121st Uchu Forum On the Tidal Formation of Dark Matter Deficient Galaxies

Go Ogiya (University of Waterloo)
November 2021   12 : 30     dark matter, galaxy formation, N-body simulations, and globular clusters

120th Uchu Forum Structure of the magnetic field driving active galactic nuclear jets probed by polarized light images

Yu Tsuneto (Kyoto University)
October 2021   13 : 30     black holes, AGN jets, Sgr*, radiative transfer, and general relativity

119th Uchu Forum Identifying galactic structures in a galaxy more than 12 billion years ago using the gas dynamics

Takafumi Tsukui (Sokendai)
September 2021   13 : 30     galaxy fromation, galactic disk, ALMA, and galactic halos

118th Uchu Forum A theoretical framework for cosmological analysis of 21-cm line observations

Rika Ando (Nagoya University)
July 2021   13 : 30     large scale structure, 21cm line, and N-body simulations

117th Uchu Forum The Diversity of IGM-galaxy connection among galaxies at redshift z = 2-3

Rieko Momose (University of Tokyo)
June 2021   13 : 30     high-z galaxies, IGM, Lyman Alpha Forest, galaxy formation, and galaxy evolution

116th Uchu Forum Hybernating black holes: galaxy collisions and black hole activity

Masao Mori (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)
May 2021   13 : 30     hydrodynamics, dusty torus, black holes, AGN, and galaxy mergers

115th Uchu Forum Supermassive black hole seed formation in the early universe

Yuya Sakurai (IPMU)
April 2021   13 : 30     first stars, large scale structure, and machine learning

114th Uchu Forum Extracting information from emission line intensity maps using deep learning

Moriwaki Kana (University of Tokyo)
December 2020   13 : 30     cosmology, large scale structure, and machine learning

113th Uchu Forum Exploring Molecular Clouds in our Galaxy with FUGIN

Saito Hiro (University of Tsukuba)
October 2020   13 : 30     molecular clouds and Milky Way

112th Uchu Forum Supermassive star formation via super competitive accretion in slightly metal-enriched clouds

Sunmyon Chon (Theoretical Astrophysics Group, University of Tohoku)
July 2020   13 : 30     cosmological simulations and black holes

111th Uchu Forum New observational methods using hyperfine structure lines of the heavy elements of the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium

Kohji Yoshikawa (University of Tsukuba)
June 2020   13 : 30     WHIM, galactic halos, cosmology, and galaxy clusters

110th Uchu Forum The growth of distant galaxies as seen by ALMA

Takuya Hashimoto (University of Tsukuba)
May 2020   13 : 30     ALMA, molecular gas, and high-z galaxies

109th Uchu Forum Molecular abundances in nearby galaxies (NGC 1068, NGC 253, and IC 342)

Shuro Takano (Nihon University)
February 2020   13 : 30     Nobeyama 45m radio telescope, ALMA, molecular gas, starbursts, and AGN

108th Uchu Forum Growth by Super-Eddington Accretion of Seed Black Holes in Primordial Galaxies

Daisuke Toyouchi (University of Kyoto, Theoretical Astrophysics Group)
January 2020   13 : 30     black holes, first galaxies, accretion, and radiation hydrodynamics

107th Uchu Forum The current status of galaxy formation at redshift 3

Hideki Umehata (Riken)
December 2019   13 : 30     ALMA, galaxy formation, and high-z galaxies

106th Uchu Forum Formation of multiple Pop III stars under radiation feedback

Kazuyuki Sugimura (University of Maryland)
November 2019   13 : 30     first stars, PopIII stars, radiative feedback, radiation hydrodynamics, and cosmological simulations

105th Uchu Forum A series of "most distant" results

Akio Inoue (Waseda University)
October 2019   13 : 30     galaxy formation and ALMA

104th Uchu Forum New insights into the formation of massive galaxies and galaxy clusters in the early universe

Tao Wang (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computatational Sciences)
September 2019   13 : 30     galaxy formation, ALMA, and cosmological simulations

103rd Uchu Forum Gravitational instability and fragmentation of spiral arms

Shigeki Inoue (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computatational Sciences)
July 2019   13 : 30     galaxy formation, MHD, and galactic disk

102nd Uchu Forum Massive star formation through molecular cloud collisions and triggered star-formation through feedback

Kazuhiro Shima (Kyoto University, Theoretical Astrophysics Group)
June 2019   13 : 30     star formation, radiative transfer, and molecular clouds

101st Uchu Forum High-density gas formation and star formation in the Milky Way: The FUGIN project

Nario Kuno (University of Tsukuba, Observational Astrophysics Group)
May 2019   13 : 30     star formation, observation, and molecular gas

100th Uchu Forum Simulations of first galaxies formation: Toward a unified understanding of first stars and low-metalicity star cluster formation.

Hidenobu Yajima (University of Tsukuba, CCS)
April 2019   15 : 00     PopIII stars, James Webb, TMT, radiation hydrodynamics, and cosmological simulations

99th Uchu Forum AGN Feedback in Gas-Rich Galaxies

Alexander Wagner (University of Tsukuba, CCS)
January 2019   13 : 30     radio galaxies, relativistic jets, and AGN feedback

98th Uchu Forum Polarization observations of protoplaneteray discs with ALMA

Satoshi Ohashi (RIKEN, Star and Planet Formation Laboratory)
December 2018   13 : 30     ALMA and protoplanetary discs

97th Uchu Forum Integrated perturbation theory and bias in large scale structure

Takahiko Matsubara (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
October 2018   13 : 30    

96th Uchu Forum CO Multi-line Imaging of Nearby Galaxies (COMING): molecular gas and star formation

Kazuo Sorai (Hokkaido University and University of Tsukuba joint appointment)
September 2018   13 : 30    

95th Uchu Forum The Physics of Super-Eddington Accretion

Ken Ohsuga (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)
July 2018   13 : 30    

94th Uchu Forum Opening the doors to Mars resource exploration business through Terahertz spectroscopy

Yasuko Kasai (Terahertz Technology Research Center, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT))
June 2018   13 : 30    

93rd Uchu Forum New insights into galactic spiral arms: dynamic structure and observational signatures

Keiichi Wada (University of Kagoshima)
May 2018   13 : 30    

92nd Uchu Forum Astrophysical turbulence - unraveling protoplanet formation

Masayuki Umemura (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)
April 2018   13 : 30    

91st Uchu Forum 銀河における星形成則

Nario Kuno (University of Tsukuba, Observational Astrophysics Group)
July 2017   13 : 30     star formation, observation, and molecular gas

90th Uchu Forum 銀河スケールのダークマターハローのスケーリング則について

Masao Mori (University of Tsukuba, Theoretical Astrophysics Group)
June 2017   13 : 30     dark matter and dwarf galaxies

89th Uchu Forum Interstellar molecular composition on molecular cloud scale

Yoshimasa Watanabe (University of Tsukuba, Radio Astronomy Laboratory)
May 2017   13 : 30     radio observations and molecular clouds

88th Uchu Forum 連星の形成と質量降着

Toru Tsuribe (Ibaraki University)
April 2017   13 : 30     numerical simulations, hydrodynamics, and molecular cores

87th Uchu Forum SCF法による無衝突恒星系のシミュレーション

Shunsuke Hozumi (University of Shiga)
March 2017   13 : 30     numerical simulations, self-gravitating systems, and collisionless systems

86th Uchu Forum 長波長非線形揺らぎから探る初期宇宙モデル

Yuichi Takamizu (University of Tsukuba, theoretical astrophysics group)
January 2017   13 : 30     cosmology, inflation, general relativity, and early universe

85th Uchu Forum 色等級図と金属量分布から探る矮小銀河の化学進化

Hidetomo Honma (NAOJ)
December 2016   13 : 30     dwarf galaxies, galaxy evolution, and star formation

84th Uchu Forum High resolution observations of protoplanetary disks with ALMA ~ Signs of protoplanets in a disk ? ~

Munetake Momose (Radio astronomy, Ibaraki University)
November 2016   15 : 00     radio observations, ALMA, protoplanetary discs, and exoplanets

83rd Uchu Forum 宇宙論的銀河形成シミュレーションで探る遠方銀河の形態獲得プロセスと形成期銀河円盤の力学不安定性解析

October 2016   13 : 30     numerical simulations, cosmology, galactic disk, galaxy formation, and high-z galaxies

82nd Uchu Forum Rotation Curve of M33 Explained by Disc Dark Matter

Toshio Fukushima (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ))
July 2016   15 : 00     numerical simulations, observations, M33, galactic disk, and dark matter

81st Uchu Forum 初代星の最大質量と超巨大ブラックホールの起源

Takashi Hosokawa (The University of Tokyo Theoretical Astrophysics)
June 2016   13 : 30     first stars, SMBH, and numerical simulations

80th Uchu Forum Water trail from molecular clouds to protoplanetary disks

Kenji Furuya (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)
May 2016   13 : 30     numerical simulations, molecular clouds, protostellar discs, and chemodynamics

79th Uchu Forum Gravitational wave event GW150914 - initial masses and merging conditions

Masayuki Umemura (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)
April 2016   13 : 30     SMBH, SMBH binaries, SMBH mergers, gravitational waves, observations, N-body simulations, and numerical simulations

78th Uchu Forum 大規模探査で迫る巨大ブラックホール進化

Toru Nagao (Research Center for Space and Cosmic Evolution, Ehime University)
February 2016   16 : 45     SMBH

77th Uchu Forum 活動銀河核アウトフローの輻射流体シミュレーション

Mariko Nomura (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences, Theoretical Astrophysics Group)
January 2016   13 : 30     AGN

76th Uchu Forum ダスト観測による高赤方偏移銀河の探査

Naomasa Nakai (University of Tsukuba, Radio Astronomy Laboratory)
December 2015   13 : 30     First star

75th Uchu Forum The evolution of the mass functions of active supermassive black holes and their host galaxies out to z~2

Andreas Schulze (Kavli IPMU)
November 2015   13 : 30     quasars, black holes, and galaxy evolution

74th Uchu Forum Studying the nature of Dark Matter with nearby dwarf galaxies

Kohei Hayahsi (Kavli IPMU)
October 2015   13 : 30     dark matter and dwarf galaxies

73rd Uchu Forum Collisionless Weibel shocks and electron acceleration in gamma-ray bursts

Kazem Ardaneh (Department of Computer Science, University of Tsukuba)
September 2015   13 : 30     GRB

72nd Uchu Forum Development of a Wide-Field Camera containing Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors

Tomu Nitta (University of Tsukuba)
July 2015   13 : 30     radio observation

71st Uchu Forum 波長~1mmの 高感度-高分解能観測で見えてくる近傍銀河の新たな姿

Kazushi Sakamoto (Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA))
June 2015   13 : 30     molecular gas and radio observation

70th Uchu Forum Astrochemisry of Water

Yuri Aikawa (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences, Theoretical Astrophysics Group)
May 2015   15 : 00    

69th Uchu Forum 銀河の渦状構造

Nario Kuno (University of Tsukuba, Radio Astronomy Laboratory)
April 2015   13 : 30     galaxy formation and star formation

68th Uchu Forum Terahertz absorption and synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectroscopy of biological organic molecules

Jun-ichi Takahashi (Osaka University Institute of Laser Engineering)
March 2015   10 : 00     amino acids

67th Uchu Forum Determination of distances to galaxies using masers

Naomasa Nakai (University of Tsukuba, Radio Astronomy Laboratory)
January 2015   13 : 30     AGN and masers

66th Uchu Forum CO imaging study of merger remnants

Junko Ueda (NAOJ)
December 2014   13 : 30     SMBH, galaxy evolution, alma, and galaxy mergers

65th Uchu Forum Vlasov-Poisson Simulations of Neutrinos in Cosmological Large Scale Structure Formation

Kohji Yoshikawa (University of Tsukuba)
November 2014   15 : 00     Vlasov-Poisson simulations and numerical simulations

64th Uchu Forum The environments of giant Ly-alpha blobs, traced by wide-field Ly-alpha imaging

Tomoki Saito (ICRR)
October 2014   13 : 30     Lyman Alpha Blobs and LAE

63rd Uchu Forum 回転駆動型パルサー磁気圏の粒子加速機構

Tomohide Wada (Tsukuba University of Technology)
July 2014   13 : 30     pulsars, particle acceleration, and visualization

62nd Uchu Forum 銀河における星間ガスの進化と星形成の観測的研究

Nario Kuno (University of Tsukuba, Observational Astrophysics Group)
June 2014   13 : 30     star formation, GMC, and radio observations

61st Uchu Forum 微惑星形成と原始惑星系円盤の乱流

Satoshi Okuzumi (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
May 2014   13 : 30     planet formation, protoplanetary discs, turbulence, and MRI

60th Uchu Forum 銀河スケールのダークマターハローの構造及び銀河の形成・進化

Masao Mori (University of Tsukuba, theoretical astrophysics group)
April 2014   13 : 30     dark matter and galactic halos

59th Uchu Forum CMBで探る宇宙論の現状と地上観測実験POLARBEARの最新結果

Tomotake Matsumura (KEK)
March 2014   13 : 30     CMB, cosmology, and inflation

58th Uchu Forum 中性子星連星の合体と電磁波対応天体

Masaru Shibata (Kyoto University)
January 2014   13 : 30     gravitational waves

57th Uchu Forum 21cm線放射の観測によるニュートリノ質量階層構造の制限

Yoshihiko Ohyama (KEK)
December 2013   13 : 30     neutrinos and 21cm line

56th Uchu Forum 高赤方偏移宇宙の輝線銀河観測:Lya輝線銀河から[CII]輝線銀河へ

Yuichi Matsuda (NAOJ, Chili observatory)
November 2013   13 : 30     LAE, morphology-density relation, ALMA, and submm galaxies

55th Uchu Forum Multi-parameterization of the Star Formation Law; Discovery of the Fundamental Plane of the ISM

Shinya Komugi (NAOJ, Chili observatory)
October 2013   13 : 30     star formation, GMC, and M33

54th Uchu Forum 太陽系外惑星の直接観測に向けたバイナリ瞳マスク・コロナグラフの開発

Kanae Haze (JAXA)
September 2013   13 : 30     exoplanets and coronagraphs

53rd Uchu Forum (Part2) Radiation transfer models to interpret the Lyman-apha properties of high-redshift galaxies

Anne Verhamme (Geneva Observatory)
July 2013   13 : 30     high-z galaxies, galaxy formation, galaxy evolution, and LAE

53rd Uchu Forum (Part1) Exploring the Cosmic Dawn by Deep ALMA and HST Observations

Masami Ouchi (Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo)
July 2013   13 : 30     high-z galaxies, galaxy formation, reionization, ALMA, HST, and Subaru

52nd Uchu Forum WISE衛星を用いた活動銀河核ダストトーラスの光度および赤方偏移依存性の検証

June 2013   13 : 30     AGN and dusty torus

51st Uchu Forum Lyα輝線銀河探査で探る宇宙再電離

Takatoshi Shibuya (University of Tsukuba, theoretical astrophysics group / Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo)
May 2013   13 : 30     LAE, reionization, and Subaru

50th Uchu Forum 次世代位置天文学観測による太陽系付近の局所暗黒物質密度の決定

Shigeki Inoue (KASI)
April 2013   13 : 30     astrometry, dark matter, and Gaia

49th Uchu Forum 天文学における基礎物理定数の観測

Shinichi Ohshima ()
March 2013   13 : 30     physical constants


Daisuke Yamasawa (Hokkaido University)
February 2013   13 : 30     semi-analytic models, reionization, dust, and star formation

47th Uchu Forum Size Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies through Dry Mergers

Taira Oogi (Hokkaido University)
January 2013   13 : 30     early type galaxies and galaxy mergers

46th Uchu Forum 宇宙生命計算科学 -生体アミノ酸カイラリティ宇宙起源の検証に向けて-

Masayuki Umemura (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)
December 2012   13 : 30     amino acids and TDDFT

45th Uchu Forum New results of the QUIET experiment

Makoto Nagai (University of Tsukuba, Radio Astronomy Laboratory)
November 2012   13 : 30     CMB and B-mode polarization

44th Uchu Forum Effects of Galaxy Interactions on Molecular Gas Properties and Star Formation

Hiroyuki Kaneko (University of Tsukuba, Radio Astronomy Laboratory)
October 2012   13 : 30     galaxy interactions, molecular gas, and star formation

43rd Uchu Forum ガンマ線バーストの次なる革命

Kunihito Ioka (KEK)
September 2012   13 : 30     GRB

42nd Uchu Forum Transient Sources of Ultra-high-energy Cosmic Rays and their Observational Evidence

Hajime Takami (KEK)
July 2012   13 : 30     UHECR and transients

41st Uchu Forum SKA計画で探る宇宙磁場のファラデー回転

Takuya Akahori (KASI)
June 2012   13 : 30     intergalactic magnetic fields, Faraday rotation, and SKA

40th Uchu Forum ニュートリノ輻射輸送を伴う超新星爆発の3Dシミュレーション

Tomoya Takiwaki (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Division of Theoretical Astronomy)
May 2012   13 : 30     supernovae, neutrinos, and numerical simulations

39th Uchu Forum 6次元位相空間上でのVlasov-Poisson方程式系の直接数値計算による無衝突自己重力系の数値シミュレーション

Kohji Yoshikawa (University of Tsukuba, theoretical astrophysics group)
April 2012   13 : 30     Vlasov-Poisson simulations and numerical simulations

38th Uchu Forum 宇宙赤外線背景放射の観測による宇宙初期の探査 ~ロケット実験CIBERの最近の成果から

Shuji Matsuura (JAXA/ISAS)
March 2012   13 : 45     CIB, cosmology, and galaxy formation

37th Uchu Forum アンモニア分子輝線で探る分子雲の物理状態

Masumichi Seta (University of Tsukuba, Radio Astronomy Laboratory)
February 2012   13 : 30     GMC and radio observations

36th Uchu Forum アンドロメダの涙とリング

Masao Mori (University of Tsukuba, theoretical astrophysics group)
January 2012   13 : 30     Andromeda, galaxy evolution, and galaxy mergers

35th Uchu Forum ニュートリノの速度の測定について

Naomasa Nakai (University of Tsukuba, Radio Astronomy Laboratory)
December 2011   13 : 30     neutrinos and physical constants

34th Uchu Forum 宇宙磁場の起源

Keitaro Takahashi (Kumamoto University)
November 2011   13 : 30     cosmic magnetic fields and SKA

33rd Uchu Forum 宇宙再電離シミュレーション

Kenji Hasegawa (University of Tsukuba, theoretical astrophysics group)
October 2011   13 : 30     reionization, radiative transfer, and radiative feedback

32nd Uchu Forum Clustered Star Formation in Dense Clumps of Molecular Clouds

Fumitaka Nakamura (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Division of Theoretical Astronomy)
September 2011   13 : 30     star formation and MHD

31st Uchu Forum Relativistic Jet Feedback in Radio Galaxies

Alex Wagner (University of Tsukuba, theoretical astrophysics group)
July 2011   13 : 30     radio galaxies, relativistic jets, and AGN feedback

30th Uchu Forum 初代星形成の輻射流体力学過程

Masayuki Umemura (Theoretical Astrophysics Group, University of Tsukuba)
June 2011   13 : 30     first stars, hydrodynamics, numerical simulation, PopIII stars, radiative transfer, and star formation

29th Uchu Forum すばるで探る再電離期の宇宙

Masami Ouchi (ICRR, University of Tokyo)
May 2011   13 : 30     galaxy evolution, high-z galaxies, reionization, and LAE

28th Uchu Forum 銀河系中心領域へのガス供給と銀河系中心での星形成について

Daisuke Namekata (Theoretical Astrophysics Group, University of Tsukuba)
April 2011   13 : 30     galaxy formation, galaxy evolution, star formation, Galactic center, and hydrodyanmics

27th Uchu Forum 渦状腕構造の正体

Junichi Baba (NAOJ)
February 2011   13 : 30     galaxy evolution, galaxy formation, and numerical simulations

26th Uchu Forum 超新星残骸からの宇宙線の逃走

Yutaka Ohira (KEK)
January 2011   13 : 30     supernova remnants, supernova, and UHECR

25th Uchu Forum Once upon a time in Andromeda

Masao Mori 氏 (University of Tsukuba, theoretical astrophysics group)
December 2010   13 : 30     Andromeda and observations

24th Uchu Forum 銀河の暗黒物質

Masashi Chiba (Tohoku University Astronomical Institute)
November 2010   13 : 30     dark matter and galaxy formation

23rd Uchu Forum 南極ドームふじ基地における電波天文学

Seta Masumichi 氏 (University of Tsukuba, Radio Astronomy Laboratory)
October 2010   13 : 30     radio observations

22nd Uchu Forum Gaia 時代の銀河系考古学

Daisuke Kawata (Mullard, Space Science Laboratory, University College London)
September 2010   13 : 30     observations and Milky Way

21st Uchu Forum 天体起源の宇宙線電子・陽電子について

Norita Kawanaka (KEK)
July 2010   13 : 30     UHECR

20th Uchu Forum The role of environment on the mass buildup of supermassive black holes

John Silverman (Kavli IPMU)
June 2010   13 : 30     AGN and galaxy evolution

19th Uchu Forum Suynaev-Zel'dovich Effect in Merging Galaxy Clusters

Kohji Yoshikawa (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)
May 2010   13 : 30     galaxy clusters, CMB, cosmology, and observation

18th Uchu Forum ブラックホールへのガス降着現象

Toshihiro Kawaguchi (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)
April 2010   13 : 30     AGN, SMBH, and accretion discs

17th Uchu Forum 地球質量ダークマターマイクロハローの形成・進化

Tomoaki Ishiyama (NAOJ, Division of Theoretical Astronomy)
February 2010   13 : 30     dark matter, cosmology, N-body simulations, and numerical simulations

16th Uchu Forum ガス降着による超巨大ブラックホール形成理論構築に向けて

Nozomu Kawakatsu (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)
January 2010   13 : 30     SMBH

15th Uchu Forum Steps towards PopIII Stellar IMF

Masayuki Umemura (University of Tsukuba)
December 2009   13 : 30     first stars, hydrodynamics, and numerical simulations

14th Uchu Forum ブラックホールの鼓動からスピンを測定する

Yoshiaki Kato (JAXA)
November 2009   13 : 30     black holes and accretion discs

13th Uchu Forum 太陽圏外圏の構造とダイナミックス -- ヴォイジャー観測を基礎にして

Haruichi Washimi (CSPAR, University of Alabama in Huntsvile)
October 2009   13 : 30     solar wind and MHD

12th Uchu Forum 定在降着衝撃波不安定性の数値流体解析と重力崩壊型超新星爆発への応用

Junichi Sato (cea)
September 2009   13 : 30     supernovae and numerical simulations

11th Uchu Forum 星形成過程でのジェットとアウトフロー現象の解明

Masahiro Machida (Kyoto University)
June 2009   13 : 30     star formation, protostars, MHD, and GMC

10th Uchu Forum 銀河衝突におけるスターバーストと星団形成

Takayuki Saitoh (NAOJ, Division of Theoretical Astronomy)
May 2009   13 : 30     star formation and galaxy formation

9th Uchu Forum 水素分子の観測

Naomasa Nakai (University of Tsukuba)
March 2009   13 : 30     GMC and star formation

8th Uchu Forum 初期練成を含む星団の力学進化

Ataru Tanikawa (NAOJ)
February 2009   13 : 30     globular clusters

7th Uchu Forum First Cosmic Light

Andrea Ferrara (Scuola Normale Superiore)
January 2009   13 : 30     first stars

6th Uchu Forum 水素分子の観測

Naomasa Nakai (University of Tsukuba)
December 2008   13 : 30     GMC and star formation

5th Uchu Forum The Making of The First Stars

Naoki Yoshida (IPMU)
November 2008   13 : 30     first stars, hydrodynamics, and radiative transfer

4th Uchu Forum Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium as Missing Baryon

Kohji Yoshikawa (University of Tsukuba)
October 2008   13 : 30     cosmology, WHIM, and numerical simulations

3rd Uchu Forum 宇宙背景放射(CMB)偏光観測

Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
September 2008   13 : 30     cosmology, CMB, and gravitational waves

2nd Uchu Forum 銀河系中心領域における高速度分子ガス

Makoto Nagai (University of Tsukuba)
July 2008   13 : 30     GMC and CMZ

1st Uchu Forum Constructing a new magnetic reconnection model - beyond the Petschek model

Shinya Nitta (Tsukuba University of Technology)
May 2008   13 : 30     MHD, accretion discs, and galaxy clusters
  1. Formation of intermediate-mass black hole in forming star clusters, Michiko Fujii (The University of Tokyo)   July 2024  
  2. Volume density structure of the NGC 253 CMZ through ALCHEMI excitation analysis: what is the critical difference between NGC253 and Milky Way?, Kunihiko Tanaka (Keio University)   June 2024  
  3. すばる広視野サーベイとJWSTで見えてきた遠方超巨大ブラックホールの初期成長, Masafusa Onoue (Kavli IPMU)   May 2024  
  4. 磁気トルネード現象に注目した,太陽コロナ加熱のためのエネルギー発生・輸送・散逸の数値的研究, Hidetaka Kuniyoshi (University of Tokyo)   April 2024  
  5. ALMA and JWST exploration of high-redshift galaxies (and stars), Yoshinobu Fudamoto (Chiba University)   March 2024  
  6. Cloud-scale molecular gas properties of nearby spiral and starburst galaxies with ALMA, Toshiki Saito (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)   January 2024  
  7. X線偏光観測による活動銀河核の構造, Atsushi Tanimoto (Kagoshima University)   December 2023  
  8. ダークマターは何者か?:暗黒物質の解明に向けた近傍宇宙論研究の現状と将来展望, Kohei Hayashi (NIT, Sendai College)   November 2023  
  9. スペクトル吸収線から探る原始銀河団ガス, Ken Mawatari (University of Tsukuba)   October 2023  
  10. シミュレーション・サーベイで探る,初代星形成の統一シナリオ, Shingo Hirano (The University of Tokyo)   September 2023  
  11. X-ray polarisation observations: A new means of exploring the high-energy universe , Toru Tamagawa (RIKEN)   July 2023  
  12. New insights into active galactic nuclei using high-resolution submillimetre-wave observations, Takuma Izumi (NAOJ)   June 2023  
  13. Supernova explosions and the isotope $^{56}$N, Ryo Sawada (University of Tokyo)   May 2023  
  14. Accretion disk jet structure in the environs of a supermassive black hole explored by polarized light imaging, Yuh Tsunetoe (University of Tsukuba)   April 2023  
  15. Star Formation Activity in Barred Spiral Galaxies Probed by Molecular Gas Observations, Fumiya Maeda (Institute of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo)   February 2023  
  16. Formation and evolution of star-forming filaments in molecular clouds, Daisei Abe (Nagoya University)   January 2023  
  17. The CMB Polarization Observation Experiment GroundBIRD, Shunsuke Honda (University of Tsukuba)   December 2022  
  18. Cosmic Ray Particle Acceleration by the Jet of Microquasar SS433 Probed through Radio Observations, Haruka Sakemi (Kagoshima University)   November 2022  
  19. The Age of Discovery with JWST: Excavating the First Massive Black Holes and First Galaxies, Kohei Inayoshi (Peking University)   October 2022  
  20. Probing the impact of feedback by cosmological hydrodynamic simulations, Kentaro Nagamine (Osaka University)   September 2022  
  21. The Milky Way's central supermassive black hole observed by the Event Horizon Telescope: results and future prospects, Kotaro Moriyama (Goethe University Frankfurt)   July 2022  
  22. ALMA/NOEMA view of galaxy-scale molecular outflows, Dragan Salak (Hokkaido University)   June 2022  
  23. UV & Ly-alpha halos of LAEs across environments at z=2.84, Satoshi Kikuta (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)   May 2022  
  24. A multifaceted study of the remnants of first stars, Takanobu Kirihara (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)   April 2022  
  25. Molecular cloud collisions and machine learning, Shinji Fujita (Osaka Prefecture University)   December 2021  
  26. On the Tidal Formation of Dark Matter Deficient Galaxies, Go Ogiya (University of Waterloo)   November 2021  
  27. Structure of the magnetic field driving active galactic nuclear jets probed by polarized light images, Yu Tsuneto (Kyoto University)   October 2021  
  28. Identifying galactic structures in a galaxy more than 12 billion years ago using the gas dynamics, Takafumi Tsukui (Sokendai)   September 2021  
  29. A theoretical framework for cosmological analysis of 21-cm line observations, Rika Ando (Nagoya University)   July 2021  
  30. The Diversity of IGM-galaxy connection among galaxies at redshift z = 2-3, Rieko Momose (University of Tokyo)   June 2021  
  31. Hybernating black holes: galaxy collisions and black hole activity, Masao Mori (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)   May 2021  
  32. Supermassive black hole seed formation in the early universe, Yuya Sakurai (IPMU)   April 2021  
  33. Extracting information from emission line intensity maps using deep learning, Moriwaki Kana (University of Tokyo)   December 2020  
  34. Exploring Molecular Clouds in our Galaxy with FUGIN, Saito Hiro (University of Tsukuba)   October 2020  
  35. Supermassive star formation via super competitive accretion in slightly metal-enriched clouds, Sunmyon Chon (Theoretical Astrophysics Group, University of Tohoku)   July 2020  
  36. New observational methods using hyperfine structure lines of the heavy elements of the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium, Kohji Yoshikawa (University of Tsukuba)   June 2020  
  37. The growth of distant galaxies as seen by ALMA, Takuya Hashimoto (University of Tsukuba)   May 2020  
  38. Molecular abundances in nearby galaxies (NGC 1068, NGC 253, and IC 342), Shuro Takano (Nihon University)   February 2020  
  39. Growth by Super-Eddington Accretion of Seed Black Holes in Primordial Galaxies, Daisuke Toyouchi (University of Kyoto, Theoretical Astrophysics Group)   January 2020  
  40. The current status of galaxy formation at redshift 3, Hideki Umehata (Riken)   December 2019  
  41. Formation of multiple Pop III stars under radiation feedback, Kazuyuki Sugimura (University of Maryland)   November 2019  
  42. A series of "most distant" results, Akio Inoue (Waseda University)   October 2019  
  43. New insights into the formation of massive galaxies and galaxy clusters in the early universe, Tao Wang (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computatational Sciences)   September 2019  
  44. Gravitational instability and fragmentation of spiral arms, Shigeki Inoue (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computatational Sciences)   July 2019  
  45. Massive star formation through molecular cloud collisions and triggered star-formation through feedback, Kazuhiro Shima (Kyoto University, Theoretical Astrophysics Group)   June 2019  
  46. High-density gas formation and star formation in the Milky Way: The FUGIN project, Nario Kuno (University of Tsukuba, Observational Astrophysics Group)   May 2019  
  47. Simulations of first galaxies formation: Toward a unified understanding of first stars and low-metalicity star cluster formation., Hidenobu Yajima (University of Tsukuba, CCS)   April 2019  
  48. AGN Feedback in Gas-Rich Galaxies, Alexander Wagner (University of Tsukuba, CCS)   January 2019  
  49. Polarization observations of protoplaneteray discs with ALMA, Satoshi Ohashi (RIKEN, Star and Planet Formation Laboratory)   December 2018  
  50. Integrated perturbation theory and bias in large scale structure, Takahiko Matsubara (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))   October 2018  
  51. CO Multi-line Imaging of Nearby Galaxies (COMING): molecular gas and star formation, Kazuo Sorai (Hokkaido University and University of Tsukuba joint appointment)   September 2018  
  52. The Physics of Super-Eddington Accretion, Ken Ohsuga (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)   July 2018  
  53. Opening the doors to Mars resource exploration business through Terahertz spectroscopy, Yasuko Kasai (Terahertz Technology Research Center, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT))   June 2018  
  54. New insights into galactic spiral arms: dynamic structure and observational signatures, Keiichi Wada (University of Kagoshima)   May 2018  
  55. Astrophysical turbulence - unraveling protoplanet formation, Masayuki Umemura (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)   April 2018  
  56. 銀河における星形成則, Nario Kuno (University of Tsukuba, Observational Astrophysics Group)   July 2017  
  57. 銀河スケールのダークマターハローのスケーリング則について, Masao Mori (University of Tsukuba, Theoretical Astrophysics Group)   June 2017  
  58. Interstellar molecular composition on molecular cloud scale, Yoshimasa Watanabe (University of Tsukuba, Radio Astronomy Laboratory)   May 2017  
  59. 連星の形成と質量降着, Toru Tsuribe (Ibaraki University)   April 2017  
  60. SCF法による無衝突恒星系のシミュレーション, Shunsuke Hozumi (University of Shiga)   March 2017  
  61. 長波長非線形揺らぎから探る初期宇宙モデル, Yuichi Takamizu (University of Tsukuba, theoretical astrophysics group)   January 2017  
  62. 色等級図と金属量分布から探る矮小銀河の化学進化, Hidetomo Honma (NAOJ)   December 2016  
  63. High resolution observations of protoplanetary disks with ALMA ~ Signs of protoplanets in a disk ? ~, Munetake Momose (Radio astronomy, Ibaraki University)   November 2016  
  64. 宇宙論的銀河形成シミュレーションで探る遠方銀河の形態獲得プロセスと形成期銀河円盤の力学不安定性解析, Shigeki Inoue (KAVLI INSTITUTE FOR THE PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS OF THE UNIVERSE)   October 2016  
  65. Rotation Curve of M33 Explained by Disc Dark Matter, Toshio Fukushima (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ))   July 2016  
  66. 初代星の最大質量と超巨大ブラックホールの起源, Takashi Hosokawa (The University of Tokyo Theoretical Astrophysics)   June 2016  
  67. Water trail from molecular clouds to protoplanetary disks, Kenji Furuya (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)   May 2016  
  68. Gravitational wave event GW150914 - initial masses and merging conditions, Masayuki Umemura (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)   April 2016  
  69. 大規模探査で迫る巨大ブラックホール進化, Toru Nagao (Research Center for Space and Cosmic Evolution, Ehime University)   February 2016  
  70. 活動銀河核アウトフローの輻射流体シミュレーション, Mariko Nomura (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences, Theoretical Astrophysics Group)   January 2016  
  71. ダスト観測による高赤方偏移銀河の探査, Naomasa Nakai (University of Tsukuba, Radio Astronomy Laboratory)   December 2015  
  72. The evolution of the mass functions of active supermassive black holes and their host galaxies out to z~2, Andreas Schulze (Kavli IPMU)   November 2015  
  73. Studying the nature of Dark Matter with nearby dwarf galaxies, Kohei Hayahsi (Kavli IPMU)   October 2015  
  74. Collisionless Weibel shocks and electron acceleration in gamma-ray bursts, Kazem Ardaneh (Department of Computer Science, University of Tsukuba)   September 2015  
  75. Development of a Wide-Field Camera containing Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors, Tomu Nitta (University of Tsukuba)   July 2015  
  76. 波長~1mmの 高感度-高分解能観測で見えてくる近傍銀河の新たな姿, Kazushi Sakamoto (Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA))   June 2015  
  77. Astrochemisry of Water, Yuri Aikawa (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences, Theoretical Astrophysics Group)   May 2015  
  78. 銀河の渦状構造, Nario Kuno (University of Tsukuba, Radio Astronomy Laboratory)   April 2015  
  79. Terahertz absorption and synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectroscopy of biological organic molecules, Jun-ichi Takahashi (Osaka University Institute of Laser Engineering)   March 2015  
  80. Determination of distances to galaxies using masers, Naomasa Nakai (University of Tsukuba, Radio Astronomy Laboratory)   January 2015  
  81. CO imaging study of merger remnants, Junko Ueda (NAOJ)   December 2014  
  82. Vlasov-Poisson Simulations of Neutrinos in Cosmological Large Scale Structure Formation, Kohji Yoshikawa (University of Tsukuba)   November 2014  
  83. The environments of giant Ly-alpha blobs, traced by wide-field Ly-alpha imaging, Tomoki Saito (ICRR)   October 2014  
  84. 回転駆動型パルサー磁気圏の粒子加速機構, Tomohide Wada (Tsukuba University of Technology)   July 2014  
  85. 銀河における星間ガスの進化と星形成の観測的研究, Nario Kuno (University of Tsukuba, Observational Astrophysics Group)   June 2014  
  86. 微惑星形成と原始惑星系円盤の乱流, Satoshi Okuzumi (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   May 2014  
  87. 銀河スケールのダークマターハローの構造及び銀河の形成・進化, Masao Mori (University of Tsukuba, theoretical astrophysics group)   April 2014  
  88. CMBで探る宇宙論の現状と地上観測実験POLARBEARの最新結果, Tomotake Matsumura (KEK)   March 2014  
  89. 中性子星連星の合体と電磁波対応天体, Masaru Shibata (Kyoto University)   January 2014  
  90. 21cm線放射の観測によるニュートリノ質量階層構造の制限, Yoshihiko Ohyama (KEK)   December 2013  
  91. 高赤方偏移宇宙の輝線銀河観測:Lya輝線銀河から[CII]輝線銀河へ, Yuichi Matsuda (NAOJ, Chili observatory)   November 2013  
  92. Multi-parameterization of the Star Formation Law; Discovery of the Fundamental Plane of the ISM, Shinya Komugi (NAOJ, Chili observatory)   October 2013  
  93. 太陽系外惑星の直接観測に向けたバイナリ瞳マスク・コロナグラフの開発, Kanae Haze (JAXA)   September 2013  
  94. Radiation transfer models to interpret the Lyman-apha properties of high-redshift galaxies, Anne Verhamme (Geneva Observatory)   July 2013  
  95. Lyα輝線銀河探査で探る宇宙再電離, Takatoshi Shibuya (University of Tsukuba, theoretical astrophysics group / Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo)   May 2013  
  96. 次世代位置天文学観測による太陽系付近の局所暗黒物質密度の決定, Shigeki Inoue (KASI)   April 2013  
  97. 天文学における基礎物理定数の観測, Shinichi Ohshima ()   March 2013  
  98. COSMIC DUST AND COSMOLOGICAL STAR FORMATION PROCESS, Daisuke Yamasawa (Hokkaido University)   February 2013  
  99. Size Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies through Dry Mergers, Taira Oogi (Hokkaido University)   January 2013  
  100. 宇宙生命計算科学 -生体アミノ酸カイラリティ宇宙起源の検証に向けて-, Masayuki Umemura (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)   December 2012  
  101. New results of the QUIET experiment, Makoto Nagai (University of Tsukuba, Radio Astronomy Laboratory)   November 2012  
  102. Effects of Galaxy Interactions on Molecular Gas Properties and Star Formation, Hiroyuki Kaneko (University of Tsukuba, Radio Astronomy Laboratory)   October 2012  
  103. ガンマ線バーストの次なる革命, Kunihito Ioka (KEK)   September 2012  
  104. Transient Sources of Ultra-high-energy Cosmic Rays and their Observational Evidence, Hajime Takami (KEK)   July 2012  
  105. SKA計画で探る宇宙磁場のファラデー回転, Takuya Akahori (KASI)   June 2012  
  106. ニュートリノ輻射輸送を伴う超新星爆発の3Dシミュレーション, Tomoya Takiwaki (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Division of Theoretical Astronomy)   May 2012  
  107. 6次元位相空間上でのVlasov-Poisson方程式系の直接数値計算による無衝突自己重力系の数値シミュレーション, Kohji Yoshikawa (University of Tsukuba, theoretical astrophysics group)   April 2012  
  108. 宇宙赤外線背景放射の観測による宇宙初期の探査 ~ロケット実験CIBERの最近の成果から, Shuji Matsuura (JAXA/ISAS)   March 2012  
  109. アンモニア分子輝線で探る分子雲の物理状態, Masumichi Seta (University of Tsukuba, Radio Astronomy Laboratory)   February 2012  
  110. アンドロメダの涙とリング, Masao Mori (University of Tsukuba, theoretical astrophysics group)   January 2012  
  111. ニュートリノの速度の測定について, Naomasa Nakai (University of Tsukuba, Radio Astronomy Laboratory)   December 2011  
  112. 宇宙磁場の起源, Keitaro Takahashi (Kumamoto University)   November 2011  
  113. 宇宙再電離シミュレーション, Kenji Hasegawa (University of Tsukuba, theoretical astrophysics group)   October 2011  
  114. Clustered Star Formation in Dense Clumps of Molecular Clouds, Fumitaka Nakamura (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Division of Theoretical Astronomy)   September 2011  
  115. Relativistic Jet Feedback in Radio Galaxies, Alex Wagner (University of Tsukuba, theoretical astrophysics group)   July 2011  
  116. 初代星形成の輻射流体力学過程, Masayuki Umemura (Theoretical Astrophysics Group, University of Tsukuba)   June 2011  
  117. すばるで探る再電離期の宇宙, Masami Ouchi (ICRR, University of Tokyo)   May 2011  
  118. 銀河系中心領域へのガス供給と銀河系中心での星形成について, Daisuke Namekata (Theoretical Astrophysics Group, University of Tsukuba)   April 2011  
  119. 渦状腕構造の正体, Junichi Baba (NAOJ)   February 2011  
  120. 超新星残骸からの宇宙線の逃走, Yutaka Ohira (KEK)   January 2011  
  121. Once upon a time in Andromeda, Masao Mori 氏 (University of Tsukuba, theoretical astrophysics group)   December 2010  
  122. 銀河の暗黒物質, Masashi Chiba (Tohoku University Astronomical Institute)   November 2010  
  123. 南極ドームふじ基地における電波天文学, Seta Masumichi 氏 (University of Tsukuba, Radio Astronomy Laboratory)   October 2010  
  124. Gaia 時代の銀河系考古学, Daisuke Kawata (Mullard, Space Science Laboratory, University College London)   September 2010  
  125. 天体起源の宇宙線電子・陽電子について, Norita Kawanaka (KEK)   July 2010  
  126. The role of environment on the mass buildup of supermassive black holes, John Silverman (Kavli IPMU)   June 2010  
  127. Suynaev-Zel'dovich Effect in Merging Galaxy Clusters, Kohji Yoshikawa (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)   May 2010  
  128. ブラックホールへのガス降着現象, Toshihiro Kawaguchi (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)   April 2010  
  129. 地球質量ダークマターマイクロハローの形成・進化, Tomoaki Ishiyama (NAOJ, Division of Theoretical Astronomy)   February 2010  
  130. ガス降着による超巨大ブラックホール形成理論構築に向けて, Nozomu Kawakatsu (University of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences)   January 2010  
  131. Steps towards PopIII Stellar IMF, Masayuki Umemura (University of Tsukuba)   December 2009  
  132. ブラックホールの鼓動からスピンを測定する, Yoshiaki Kato (JAXA)   November 2009  
  133. 太陽圏外圏の構造とダイナミックス -- ヴォイジャー観測を基礎にして, Haruichi Washimi (CSPAR, University of Alabama in Huntsvile)   October 2009  
  134. 定在降着衝撃波不安定性の数値流体解析と重力崩壊型超新星爆発への応用, Junichi Sato (cea)   September 2009  
  135. 星形成過程でのジェットとアウトフロー現象の解明, Masahiro Machida (Kyoto University)   June 2009  
  136. 銀河衝突におけるスターバーストと星団形成, Takayuki Saitoh (NAOJ, Division of Theoretical Astronomy)   May 2009  
  137. 水素分子の観測, Naomasa Nakai (University of Tsukuba)   March 2009  
  138. 初期練成を含む星団の力学進化, Ataru Tanikawa (NAOJ)   February 2009  
  139. First Cosmic Light, Andrea Ferrara (Scuola Normale Superiore)   January 2009  
  140. 水素分子の観測, Naomasa Nakai (University of Tsukuba)   December 2008  
  141. The Making of The First Stars, Naoki Yoshida (IPMU)   November 2008  
  142. Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium as Missing Baryon, Kohji Yoshikawa (University of Tsukuba)   October 2008  
  143. 宇宙背景放射(CMB)偏光観測, Masashi Hazumi (KEK)   September 2008  
  144. 銀河系中心領域における高速度分子ガス, Makoto Nagai (University of Tsukuba)   July 2008  
  145. Constructing a new magnetic reconnection model - beyond the Petschek model, Shinya Nitta (Tsukuba University of Technology)   May 2008