Tsukuba Uchu Forum

152nd Uchu Forum

Revisiting the small-scale crises of ΛCDM: new perspectives and insights


Hai-Xia MA

Nagoya University

The ΛCDM paradigm has been remarkably successful in explaining the large-scale structure of the universe, from galaxy clustering to the cosmic microwave background. However, at smaller scales—both galactic and circum-galactic—observations reveal persistent discrepancies that challenge the standard model. These small-scale crises include the core-cusp problem, the missing satellites problem, the...

151st Uchu Forum

The Development of Self-Consistent Dust and Non-LTE Line Radiative Transfer with SKIRT and Its Application to Hydrodynamic Simulations


Kosei Matsumoto

Ghent University

Over the past two decades, Herschel, ALMA, and JWST have conducted detailed spectroscopic observations of molecular and atomic lines against the dust continuum, offering insights into the interstellar medium of galaxies. To interpret these observations, it is essential to self-consistently model the radiation field, the level populations of atoms and...

150th Uchu Forum

Isotopic Links from ALMA Observations of Protoplanetary Disks to Ryugu Sample Return


Hideko Nomura

National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

Isotopic ratios provide a powerful tool for understanding the origins of materials. Thanks to recent ALMA observations with high sensitivity and high spatial resolution, not only the rings, gaps and spirals in dust continuum emission, but also various molecules, including complex organic molecules as well as many rare isotopologues have...

149th Uchu Forum

Bridging Nuclear Transients with AGNs - Insights from The Case of AT2023clx


Kohki Uno

Kyoto University

Supermassive black holes in galaxy cores trigger dynamical outbursts called nuclear transients. The number of such transients has been increasing, leading to discoveries of serendipitous phenomena renewing our understanding. We present spectropolarimetric observations of AT2023clx, among the most nearby nuclear transients classified as a tidal disruption event (TDE). We detected...

148th Uchu Forum

Nancy Grace Roman 宇宙望遠鏡が拓く新たな宇宙像 Nancy Grace Roman Space Telecope: Challenge to Open New Vision of the Universe


Toru Yamada

Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA

Nancy Grace Roman (*) 宇宙望遠鏡 (以下,Roman) の打上がいよいよ約2年後に迫ってきた。Roman は,James Webb 宇宙望遠鏡に続くNASAが主導する大型宇宙物理学ミッションで,口径2.4mの光学望遠鏡と 2.88億画素の広視野近赤外撮像・分光装置を持ち,ハッブル宇宙望遠鏡の約200倍の視野で,宇宙の加速膨張史の精密測定とダークエネルギーの性質の解明,宇宙の構造形成史の広範かつ精密な測定,太陽系外惑星の分布の全貌を把握する研究,そして,近赤外線広視野観測を活用する様々な天文学課題を遂行する。 また,Roman には,広視野での撮像分光を行う主装置 Wide Field Instrument に加えて,技術実証装置として,太陽系外惑星の直接観測のための宇宙用コロナグラフ装置が搭載される。これは将来の Habitable Worlds Observatory などによる地球類似惑星(太陽型の周囲のハビタブルゾーンを巡る地球型惑星)の直接観測のための必須かつ重要なステップと位置づけられている。現在,Roman は,2026年10月の打上を目指して,最終段階の開発が進められているところである。 Roman望遠鏡計画には,当初より JAXAを通じて日本の研究者が参加しており,Roman望遠鏡の科学計画の検討,装置開発,JAXA地上局にによる大規模観測データ受信運用への参加に加えて,非常にユニークでRomanと相補的な能力を持つ地上望遠鏡(国立天文台・すばる望遠鏡と大阪大学・PRIME望遠鏡)を用いた協調観測により貢献を行っている。本講演では,Nancy Grace Roman 宇宙望遠鏡がどのようなデータを得ようとするのか,そして,宇宙論・銀河の形成と進化・太陽系外惑星について,Roman が拓くと期待される新たな宇宙像について紹介し,併せてRoman 計画の現状,および日本の寄与の現状や科学協力についてもお話しする。Roman の観測時間の 75% を占めるサーベイ観測のデータは,観測後すみやかに全世界の研究者にオープンされ,また,25%は様々な共同利用課題を遂行する一般観測時間である。是非,多くの研究者の方に Roman データの活用を期待したい。 講演者はこれまで,すばる望遠鏡の広視野観測によって銀河の形成・進化についての研究を進めてきた。すばる望遠鏡による輝線銀河や星形成銀河の観測をさらに高赤方偏移へと発展させるため,また,星質量に基づく銀河観測や吸収を受けた赤い銀河の観測など可視光の広視野に対応する近赤外線データを取得するためには,Roman宇宙望遠鏡はまさにすばる広視野観測からの「必然の発展」を目指すものとも言えるだろう。このような観点から,とくに高赤方偏移の銀河分布構造と銀河形成領域に着目して,Romanへの期待についてもお話ししたい。 The launch of the Nancy Grace Roman (*) Space Telescope (hereafter referred to as "Roman")...

147th Uchu Forum

Star formation induced by cloud-cloud collisions in nearby barred galaxies


Yoshiomasa Watanabe

Sibaura Institute of Technology

More than 300 molecular species have been identified in the interstellar matter. These chemical compositions provide various insights into the physical condition of molecular gas, its surrounding environment, and its evolution in the star and planet formation studies in the Galaxy. Thanks to the recent high sensitivity and high spatial...

146th Uchu Forum

Formation of intermediate-mass black hole in forming star clusters


Michiko Fujii

The University of Tokyo

The existence of intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs) in globular clusters has been debated. One possible way to form IMBHs in globular clusters is by repeating the merger of BHs in star clusters. However, gravitational-wave recoils kick the IMBHs out from the host globular clusters before they reach 500 Msun. Another...

145th Uchu Forum

Volume density structure of the NGC 253 CMZ through ALCHEMI excitation analysis: what is the critical difference between NGC253 and Milky Way?


Kunihiko Tanaka

Keio University

NGC 253 is an archetypal starburst galaxy in the nearby universe, whose relative proximity (D ~ 3.5 Mpc) makes it an ideal target for studying the physical and chemical environments conducive to highly active star formation (SF). In particular, its similarity to the Milky Way (MW), traditionally understood as a quiescent...

144th Uchu Forum



Masafusa Onoue

Kavli IPMU

We present the latest observations of the early growth of active supermassive black holes (=quasars) in the early Universe, less than a billion years after the Big Bang, mainly using the Subaru Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The search for distant quasars has been active since the...

143rd Uchu Forum



Hidetaka Kuniyoshi

University of Tokyo

The outermost atmosphere of the Sun (the corona) reaches temperatures hundreds of times hotter than its surface (the photosphere), exceeding 1 million degrees. This issue of solar corona heating has been an unresolved problem since the 1930s and is a main target of the SOLAR-C mission. Furthermore, the solar corona...

152nd Uchu Forum


Revisiting the small-scale crises of ΛCDM: new perspectives and insights

Hai-Xia MA

Nagoya University

The ΛCDM paradigm has been remarkably successful in explaining the large-scale structure of the universe, from galaxy clustering to the cosmic microwave background. However, at smaller scales—both galactic and circum-galactic—observations reveal persistent discrepancies that challenge the standard model. These small-scale crises include the core-cusp problem, the missing satellites problem, the...

February 2025   15 : 30     galactic halos, dark matter, and Milky Way
151st Uchu Forum


The Development of Self-Consistent Dust and Non-LTE Line Radiative Transfer with SKIRT and Its Application to Hydrodynamic Simulations

Kosei Matsumoto

Ghent University

Over the past two decades, Herschel, ALMA, and JWST have conducted detailed spectroscopic observations of molecular and atomic lines against the dust continuum, offering insights into the interstellar medium of galaxies. To interpret these observations, it is essential to self-consistently model the radiation field, the level populations of atoms and...

January 2025   15 : 30     radiative transfer, molecular gas, and AGN
150th Uchu Forum


Isotopic Links from ALMA Observations of Protoplanetary Disks to Ryugu Sample Return

Hideko Nomura

National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

Isotopic ratios provide a powerful tool for understanding the origins of materials. Thanks to recent ALMA observations with high sensitivity and high spatial resolution, not only the rings, gaps and spirals in dust continuum emission, but also various molecules, including complex organic molecules as well as many rare isotopologues have...

December 2024   15 : 30     protoplanetary discs, molecular gas, and ALMA
149th Uchu Forum


Bridging Nuclear Transients with AGNs - Insights from The Case of AT2023clx

Kohki Uno

Kyoto University

Supermassive black holes in galaxy cores trigger dynamical outbursts called nuclear transients. The number of such transients has been increasing, leading to discoveries of serendipitous phenomena renewing our understanding. We present spectropolarimetric observations of AT2023clx, among the most nearby nuclear transients classified as a tidal disruption event (TDE). We detected...

November 2024   15 : 30     transients, AGN, and Subaru
148th Uchu Forum


Nancy Grace Roman 宇宙望遠鏡が拓く新たな宇宙像 Nancy Grace Roman Space Telecope: Challenge to Open New Vision of the Universe

Toru Yamada

Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA

Nancy Grace Roman (*) 宇宙望遠鏡 (以下,Roman) の打上がいよいよ約2年後に迫ってきた。Roman は,James Webb 宇宙望遠鏡に続くNASAが主導する大型宇宙物理学ミッションで,口径2.4mの光学望遠鏡と 2.88億画素の広視野近赤外撮像・分光装置を持ち,ハッブル宇宙望遠鏡の約200倍の視野で,宇宙の加速膨張史の精密測定とダークエネルギーの性質の解明,宇宙の構造形成史の広範かつ精密な測定,太陽系外惑星の分布の全貌を把握する研究,そして,近赤外線広視野観測を活用する様々な天文学課題を遂行する。 また,Roman には,広視野での撮像分光を行う主装置 Wide Field Instrument に加えて,技術実証装置として,太陽系外惑星の直接観測のための宇宙用コロナグラフ装置が搭載される。これは将来の Habitable Worlds Observatory などによる地球類似惑星(太陽型の周囲のハビタブルゾーンを巡る地球型惑星)の直接観測のための必須かつ重要なステップと位置づけられている。現在,Roman は,2026年10月の打上を目指して,最終段階の開発が進められているところである。 Roman望遠鏡計画には,当初より JAXAを通じて日本の研究者が参加しており,Roman望遠鏡の科学計画の検討,装置開発,JAXA地上局にによる大規模観測データ受信運用への参加に加えて,非常にユニークでRomanと相補的な能力を持つ地上望遠鏡(国立天文台・すばる望遠鏡と大阪大学・PRIME望遠鏡)を用いた協調観測により貢献を行っている。本講演では,Nancy Grace Roman 宇宙望遠鏡がどのようなデータを得ようとするのか,そして,宇宙論・銀河の形成と進化・太陽系外惑星について,Roman が拓くと期待される新たな宇宙像について紹介し,併せてRoman 計画の現状,および日本の寄与の現状や科学協力についてもお話しする。Roman の観測時間の 75% を占めるサーベイ観測のデータは,観測後すみやかに全世界の研究者にオープンされ,また,25%は様々な共同利用課題を遂行する一般観測時間である。是非,多くの研究者の方に Roman データの活用を期待したい。 講演者はこれまで,すばる望遠鏡の広視野観測によって銀河の形成・進化についての研究を進めてきた。すばる望遠鏡による輝線銀河や星形成銀河の観測をさらに高赤方偏移へと発展させるため,また,星質量に基づく銀河観測や吸収を受けた赤い銀河の観測など可視光の広視野に対応する近赤外線データを取得するためには,Roman宇宙望遠鏡はまさにすばる広視野観測からの「必然の発展」を目指すものとも言えるだろう。このような観点から,とくに高赤方偏移の銀河分布構造と銀河形成領域に着目して,Romanへの期待についてもお話ししたい。 The launch of the Nancy Grace Roman (*) Space Telescope (hereafter referred to as "Roman")...

October 2024   15 : 30     cosmology, exoplanets, and large scale structure
147th Uchu Forum


Star formation induced by cloud-cloud collisions in nearby barred galaxies

Yoshiomasa Watanabe

Sibaura Institute of Technology

More than 300 molecular species have been identified in the interstellar matter. These chemical compositions provide various insights into the physical condition of molecular gas, its surrounding environment, and its evolution in the star and planet formation studies in the Galaxy. Thanks to the recent high sensitivity and high spatial...

September 2024   15 : 30     star formation, barred galaxy, and interstellar molecules
146th Uchu Forum


Formation of intermediate-mass black hole in forming star clusters

Michiko Fujii

The University of Tokyo

The existence of intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs) in globular clusters has been debated. One possible way to form IMBHs in globular clusters is by repeating the merger of BHs in star clusters. However, gravitational-wave recoils kick the IMBHs out from the host globular clusters before they reach 500 Msun. Another...

July 2024   15 : 30     black holes, massive stars, and star formation
145th Uchu Forum


Volume density structure of the NGC 253 CMZ through ALCHEMI excitation analysis: what is the critical difference between NGC253 and Milky Way?

Kunihiko Tanaka

Keio University

NGC 253 is an archetypal starburst galaxy in the nearby universe, whose relative proximity (D ~ 3.5 Mpc) makes it an ideal target for studying the physical and chemical environments conducive to highly active star formation (SF). In particular, its similarity to the Milky Way (MW), traditionally understood as a quiescent...

June 2024   15 : 30     ALMA, starbursts, and Galactic center
144th Uchu Forum



Masafusa Onoue

Kavli IPMU

We present the latest observations of the early growth of active supermassive black holes (=quasars) in the early Universe, less than a billion years after the Big Bang, mainly using the Subaru Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The search for distant quasars has been active since the...

May 2024   15 : 30     SMBH, James Webb telescope, and early universe
143rd Uchu Forum



Hidetaka Kuniyoshi

University of Tokyo

The outermost atmosphere of the Sun (the corona) reaches temperatures hundreds of times hotter than its surface (the photosphere), exceeding 1 million degrees. This issue of solar corona heating has been an unresolved problem since the 1930s and is a main target of the SOLAR-C mission. Furthermore, the solar corona...

April 2024   15 : 30     Solar Corona, MHD, and SOLAR-C

152nd Uchu Forum Revisiting the small-scale crises of ΛCDM: new perspectives and insights

Hai-Xia MA (Nagoya University)
February 2025   15 : 30     galactic halos, dark matter, and Milky Way

151st Uchu Forum The Development of Self-Consistent Dust and Non-LTE Line Radiative Transfer with SKIRT and Its Application to Hydrodynamic Simulations

Kosei Matsumoto (Ghent University)
January 2025   15 : 30     radiative transfer, molecular gas, and AGN

150th Uchu Forum Isotopic Links from ALMA Observations of Protoplanetary Disks to Ryugu Sample Return

Hideko Nomura (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
December 2024   15 : 30     protoplanetary discs, molecular gas, and ALMA

149th Uchu Forum Bridging Nuclear Transients with AGNs - Insights from The Case of AT2023clx

Kohki Uno (Kyoto University)
November 2024   15 : 30     transients, AGN, and Subaru

148th Uchu Forum Nancy Grace Roman 宇宙望遠鏡が拓く新たな宇宙像 Nancy Grace Roman Space Telecope: Challenge to Open New Vision of the Universe

Toru Yamada (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA)
October 2024   15 : 30     cosmology, exoplanets, and large scale structure

147th Uchu Forum Star formation induced by cloud-cloud collisions in nearby barred galaxies

Yoshiomasa Watanabe (Sibaura Institute of Technology)
September 2024   15 : 30     star formation, barred galaxy, and interstellar molecules

146th Uchu Forum Formation of intermediate-mass black hole in forming star clusters

Michiko Fujii (The University of Tokyo)
July 2024   15 : 30     black holes, massive stars, and star formation

145th Uchu Forum Volume density structure of the NGC 253 CMZ through ALCHEMI excitation analysis: what is the critical difference between NGC253 and Milky Way?

Kunihiko Tanaka (Keio University)
June 2024   15 : 30     ALMA, starbursts, and Galactic center

144th Uchu Forum すばる広視野サーベイとJWSTで見えてきた遠方超巨大ブラックホールの初期成長

Masafusa Onoue (Kavli IPMU)
May 2024   15 : 30     SMBH, James Webb telescope, and early universe

143rd Uchu Forum 磁気トルネード現象に注目した,太陽コロナ加熱のためのエネルギー発生・輸送・散逸の数値的研究

Hidetaka Kuniyoshi (University of Tokyo)
April 2024   15 : 30     Solar Corona, MHD, and SOLAR-C
  1. Revisiting the small-scale crises of ΛCDM: new perspectives and insights, Hai-Xia MA (Nagoya University)   February 2025  
  2. The Development of Self-Consistent Dust and Non-LTE Line Radiative Transfer with SKIRT and Its Application to Hydrodynamic Simulations, Kosei Matsumoto (Ghent University)   January 2025  
  3. Isotopic Links from ALMA Observations of Protoplanetary Disks to Ryugu Sample Return, Hideko Nomura (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)   December 2024  
  4. Bridging Nuclear Transients with AGNs - Insights from The Case of AT2023clx, Kohki Uno (Kyoto University)   November 2024  
  5. Nancy Grace Roman 宇宙望遠鏡が拓く新たな宇宙像 Nancy Grace Roman Space Telecope: Challenge to Open New Vision of the Universe, Toru Yamada (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA)   October 2024  
  6. Star formation induced by cloud-cloud collisions in nearby barred galaxies, Yoshiomasa Watanabe (Sibaura Institute of Technology)   September 2024  
  7. Formation of intermediate-mass black hole in forming star clusters, Michiko Fujii (The University of Tokyo)   July 2024  
  8. Volume density structure of the NGC 253 CMZ through ALCHEMI excitation analysis: what is the critical difference between NGC253 and Milky Way?, Kunihiko Tanaka (Keio University)   June 2024  
  9. すばる広視野サーベイとJWSTで見えてきた遠方超巨大ブラックホールの初期成長, Masafusa Onoue (Kavli IPMU)   May 2024  
  10. 磁気トルネード現象に注目した,太陽コロナ加熱のためのエネルギー発生・輸送・散逸の数値的研究, Hidetaka Kuniyoshi (University of Tokyo)   April 2024